How to contribute

We invite everyone to contribute to this website by submitting a pull request here. After careful review, all accepted changes will be merged into the main repository. Please ensure all PRs are built using the following steps:

ZKPs in the Real World
  1. Create an author profile by adding your information in config.yml (line 15). Profile images can be uploaded to ./assets/images/{yourname}.png
  2. Create a new post in ./_posts/ using the following naming convention: We provide a template at ./_posts/
  3. Set the hidden attribute to false at the top of your file. Do not worry about featured - we will rotate the featured posts regularly.
  4. Write your post! Images can be uploaded to your own custom folder at ./assets/images/{new folder}.
  5. Create a pull request. We will review and accept the changes, or reach out with any questions.
Notable Works
  1. Create an entry in the corresponding section for the year of the work in ./_pages/
  2. Make sure to specify whether it is a paper or blog, with the correct link to the work. Please also credit the authors of the work and the venue or site in which the work was presented.
  3. Create a pull request. We will review and accept the changes, or reach out with any questions.