Nojan Sheybani
Nojan Sheybani Developer of this website. 4th-year PhD student at UC San Diego advised by Professor Farinaz Koushanfar focusing on hardware/software co-design of privacy-preserving systems.

Accelerate Zero-Knowledge Proof Workflows on GPU with ICICLE

Accelerate Zero-Knowledge Proof Workflows on GPU with ICICLE

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) offer tremendous potential for secure and privacy-preserving verification. However, complex ZKP applications can suffer from slow proof generation and verification times.

ICICLE emerges as a solution. This open-source library leverages GPU acceleration to significantly enhance ZKP performance. By utilizing CUDA and the LE library, ICICLE optimizes elliptic curve cryptography, a critical component of many ZKP schemes.The resulting speed improvements empower developers to implement ZKPs in real-world applications with stricter performance requirements.

Explore ICICLE on GitHub